Near Coast of Northern Chile
01/10/2024 05:01:58 (UTC) mb 5.3 26 Km
- Near Coast of Northern Chile
- Latitude : 20.21 °S
- Longitude : 70.74 °W
- Depth : 26 Km
- Date : 01/10/2024 05:01:58 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 5.3 mb
- Phase count : 24
- RMS residual :2.11
Distance to nearest cities
- 61 kms of Iquique
- 67 kms of Alto Hospicio
- 87 kms of Pisagua
- 100 kms of Pozo Almonte
- 114 kms of La Tirana
- 170 kms of Camiña