Taiwan Region
25/02/2024 13:48:33 (UTC) mb 4.8 10 Km
- Taiwan Region
- Latitude : 24.77 °N
- Longitude : 122.02 °E
- Depth : 10 Km
- Date : 25/02/2024 13:48:33 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 4.8 mb
- Phase count : 22
- RMS residual :1.94
Distance to nearest cities
- 22 kms of Toucheng
- 24 kms of 五結鄉 (Wujie)
- 26 kms of Su-ao
- 26 kms of 礁溪(Jiaosi)
- 27 kms of Yilan City
- 27 kms of 冬山鄉 (Dongshan)