W. Arizona-Sonora Border Region
04/08/2024 12:45:59 (UTC) MLv 4.6 86 Km
- W. Arizona-Sonora Border Region
- Latitude : 32.15 °N
- Longitude : 112.63 °W
- Depth : 86 Km
- Date : 04/08/2024 12:45:59 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 4.6 MLv
- Phase count : 15
- RMS residual :2.83
Distance to nearest cities
- 38 kms of Sonoyta
- 89 kms of Gila Bend
- 115 kms of Casa Grande
- 115 kms of Maricopa
- 121 kms of Eloy
- 126 kms of Sasabe
Agency : IRD - Event Id : ird2024phmexf