New Britain Region, P.N.G.
11/12/2023 17:36:07 (UTC) MLv 5 53 Km

- New Britain Region, P.N.G.
- Latitude : 6.98 °S
- Longitude : 150.14 °E
- Depth : 53 Km
- Date : 11/12/2023 17:36:07 (UTC)
- Magnitude : 5 MLv
- Phase count : 17
- RMS residual :0.63
Distance to nearest cities
- 158 kms of Kimbe
- 209 kms of Biala
- 289 kms of Popondetta
- 338 kms of Kokoda
- 347 kms of Lae
- 371 kms of Alotau